Athens Greek Religion Seminar
Filippo Lepori: ”‘Why Does Zeus Care About Burnt Thighbones Only? Burnt Animal Bones at Thysia Sacrifice Between the Homeric Poems and Zooarchaeological Evidence from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age”
Välkomna till ett föredrag av Filippo Lepori, Uppsala universitet, med titeln
Why Does Zeus Care About Burnt Thighbones Only?
Burnt Animal Bones at Thysia Sacrifice Between the Homeric Poems and Zooarchaeological Evidence from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.
Tisdag 14 maj, 2024, kl. 17.00 (Athen) med fysisk närvaro på Svenska institutet i Athen och digitalt via Zoom.
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Utskriven: 2025-01-13
Från sidan: Svenska institutet i Athen