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Andreas Hourdakis Trio

Det svenska bidraget till Athens & Prevezas Jazz Festival, år 2017


Svenska institutet i Athen har bjudit in Andreas Hourdakis Trio för att spela på:

Därutöver kommer Jo­nis­ka uni­ver­si­tets mu­sik­stu­de­ran­de få möta de svenska jazzmusikerna för en masterclass och konsert.

Andreas Hourdakis Trio

Bandet består av Andreas Hourdakis (gitarr), Martin Höper (bas) and Ola Hultgren (trummor).

The debut album of Andreas Hourdakis Trio In a barn was released last year on record label Brus & Knaster and received great reviews by Swedish newspapers and international jazz publications. In a few months, the Trio will launch its next project Señor, where they play songs of the great Bob Dylan. The title is taken from the classic album Street-Legal. Classic tunes such as Lay, Lady Lay and My Back Pages have been reworked into new exciting versions by the Andreas Hourdakis Trio.

Andreas Hourdakis has frequently toured Europe and Scandinavia as a sideman and with his own projects. His playing can be heard on albums by great artists such as Magnus Öström, Jeanette Lindström, Sebastian Studnitzky, Daniel Karlsson and on co-led project/album City Nights.

För ytterligare information:

Andreas Hourdakis: https://www.facebook.com/andreashourdakismusic/

Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival:
and https://www.technopolisjazzfestival.com/

Preveza Jazz Festival:
and http://prevezajazzfestival.wix.com/home

Ionian University, Department of Music Studies:

Utskriven: 2025-02-10
Från sidan: Svenska institutet i Athen