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Onsdag 2025-02-05
Boken ”Rymlingarna” och inte bara... Plats: Σουηδικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών, Μητσαίων 9, Map |
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Tisdag 2025-02-11
The Athens Greek Religion Seminar: Gudrun Klebinder-Gauss, “What’s going on at the boundaries of the sanctuary? The role of ‘subsidiary’ buildings in Kolona on Aegina”Plats: Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens, Map |
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Fredag 2025-02-21
Aegean Lecture: Eleftheria Tsakanika & Eleni Maragoudaki, “Reconstructing a timber and mudbrick building at Malia: an experimental study of Minoan carpentry techniques during protopalatial period (summer 2023, 2024, TiMMA project)”Plats: Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens, Map |