Film across the borders
Master Classes and Seminars with Nicolas Kolovos and Olle Wirenhed
Publicerad: 2017-04-24

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Swedish-Greek award-winning film director Nicolas Kolovos, accompanied by the Swedish creative producer Olle Wirenhed will visit Athens for a series of master classes and exiting events. They will talk about their work and about today’s film industry with specific focus on co-productions between Sweden and Greece, as well as between Sweden and other European countries. This is a great opportunity to see clips of their work and some of their short films, among others “FIG”, which have won several international film awards.
Attached files: CV Nicolas Kolovos, CV Olle Wirenhed
Tuesday May 2, at 4 pm, Panteion University
Master class for the students of the department of Communication, Media and Culture.
For more information visit the University’s web page:
Tuesday May 2, at 7.30 pm, Swedish Institute at Athens
Lecture: Film över gränserna (the talk will be in Swedish).
Organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the Swedish Church of Greece, Swedish Language Association in Athens, SWEA (Swedish Women Educational Association) and the Swedish-Greek Club.
Attached file: Invitation
Wednesday May 3, at 17.30 pm, University of Patras
Master class for the students of the department of Theatre and Film Studies.
For more information visit the University’s web page:
Thursday May 4, at 11 am, at Astor Cinema
An opportunity for film directors and producers and others working in the film industry to hear about Mr. Kolovos’ and Mr. Wirenhed’s life and work in cinema. Short films and clips will be shown and discussed.
The event is organized in collaboration with the Greek Film Clubs’ Association and the Greek Film Centre.
Attached files: Poster, Invitation