Interconnectedness. The Living World of the Early Greek Philosophers

Book presentation by the author Dr. Claudia Zatta, Northwestern University

Published: 2019-05-08

book presentation interconnectedness

We cordially invite you to the presentation of the book “Interconnectedness. The Living World of the Early Greek Philosophers” (Academia Verlag 2017) by the author Dr. Claudia Zatta (Northwestern University), that will be held on Tuesday, 14th of May 2019, 18.00 at Swedish Institute in Athens (Mitseon 9, Plaka).

The book will be presented by Dr. Myrto Garani (Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Dr. Ioannis Kalogerakos (Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Dr. Stasinos Stavrianeas (Assistant Professor, University of Patras) and by the author. The presentation will be chaired by Dr. Grammatiki Karla (Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).


All welcome!

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