Edith Södergran
An evening with poetry and its translation
Published: 2024-10-28

The Swedish Institute at Athens and the Finnish Institute at Athens are very pleased to invite you to an evening presenting the poetry of and paying tribute to the Swedish-speaking Finn Edith Södergran.
Wednesday 6 November 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9)
The author and scholar Agneta Rahikainen presents Edith Södergran’s life, production and impact on Nordic literature. She is joined online by the artist and designer Martin Bergström for an introduction of their collaboration on the book Flora Poetica – Edith Södergran i växtriket (2024). The translator Despina Kaitatzi-Choulioumi engages us in a multilingual discussion about translating Södergran into Greek and other languages.
Warmly welcome!
Attached file: Invitation