Published: 2017-01-10

The database PRAGMATA contains material from more than a hundred years of Swedish archaeological activity in Greece.
PRAGMATA includes an inventory of archaeological materials, storage, contextual information, including photos and links to scanned and annotated excavation documentation, as well as information from older databases converted to a modern database format. The Asine Collection, managed by the Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala University, is included in the database. In the future PRAGMATA is intended to expand its material with collections and documentation from the Swedish Institute in Rome and the Swedish Institute at Istanbul. Further development of the advanced technological tools of PRAGMATA is also envisioned.
PRAGMATA is a result of the infrastructure project Archive and database of Swedish archaeological research in Greece at the Swedish Institute at Athens. The project was funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences) and co-financed by the Museum Gustavianum, the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University and the Swedish Institute at Athens.
Awaiting permission from the Greek Ministry of Culture, for the time being only the material from the Asine collection at Uppsala University is searchable. The digitized material stored in Greece will become available pending permission.
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