Malthi, Messenia (1926–1929, 1933–1934, 1952, 2015–2017)

Published: 2020-04-24

Fig. 1: Map over the fortified settlement of Malti (Basemap: Google maps satellite image).

Fig. 1: Map over the fortified settlement of Malti (Basemap: Google maps satellite image).

During the Bronze Age a flourishing community existed on and around Malthi, the northern spur of the mountain range of Ramovouni, located a few kilometers from the village Vasiliko in northern Messenia. On the ridge itself, c. 100 meter above the valley floor, a fortified Middle to Late Bronze Age settlement was situated. From here it had a splendid view of the valley which offered easy communications between inland Peloponnese and the coast.

Malthi Revisited

A Fortified Bronze Age Settlement in Messenia.Work in Progress Workshop

Reconstruction of Malthi in LH I

Malthi Revisited. A Fortified Bronze Age Settlement in Messenia. Work in Progress Workshop Swedish Institute at Athens May 23 2018 Programme: 10.00-10.25 Michael Lindblom: Introduction 10.25-10.50 Vasiliki Tsoumari: Connectivity in […]

Malthi Mapping Project

Published: 2017-06-07


The third season of work at the fortified settlement of Malthi in Messenia started on June 5th. Excavation will be carried out for the coming four weeks. The overarching aim is to establish a chronological sequence for the settlement’s architecture and pottery. Preliminary results suggest that the settlement was occupied from Middle Helladic II to Late Helladic IIB/IIIA1 Early, but that most of the architecture visible today, including the impressive fortification, was erected in Late Helladic I.

Malthi revisited - 2016

Published: 2016-07-18

Malthi Mapping Project air photo

The 2016 season accomplished two major goals.

The first of these was the drone photography of the site, intended to produce a color image to overlay onto the 3D data gathered via the terrestrial laser scanner. Additionally, imagery of the landscape surrounding the settlement was collected, expanding the 3D model.


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